Dhampir From Marz
Dhampir From Marz

Hello! Welcome to my funky little webpage where I, Mars, go off on long-winded tangents about the Ancient Submerged Art that is Hellenistic Astrology, while learning HTML and CSS at a relentlessly slow pace.

Now, I understand your Scepticism! Astrology is a heavily controversial topic as there is a lot of misinformation surrounding it, and questions discussing whether it is pseudoscience or religion. It is one of those subjects that are surrounded by haziness and confusion as there are different types and traditions but I'm the most Familiar with Western Astrology and there are valid reasons as to why people would disregard it... The main one being that it is not considered a science, and it isn't, despite being advertised as a science in many apps for marketing purposes. Modern astrology also advertises a psychological viewpoint of a birth chart, saying that the planets reflect who you are as a person, when it is a divination that represents the world you were born into, the environment and experiences that one might find themselves in, sometimes referred to as 'The realm of karma or circumstance' Astrology itself is a predictive tool that the Babylonians created in ancient times that utilise celestial bodies to signify or indicate life events, and not necessarily influence life on earth. That being said, It's definitely not for everybody but don't be afraid to be curious, as there's no devilworship involved.